Thursday, January 8, 2015

When the clouds hid the sun do you still have sunshine in your soul?

Sunshine speaks of joy in living, the inner joy that rises up to overcome the dullness in life.  

It's January, it's cold and we have a lot of cloudy days. As we get started in the new year are you still dealing with the concerns of last year, are they pulling you down? They can be a worry and take away the inner joy making life dull.

How to resolve these concerns? Begin the year by going to God.  Yes I'm talking prayer. Many times when I tell someone to  prayer they ask;how do I pray? Prayer is talking to God.  Yes, he's invisible, and it feels like you are talking into the air. But there are a multitude of people who can tell you it's not the air it's God you are talking to.  The millions of answered pray confirm God hears us when we pray.

Tell God about the burden holding you back. Be alone when you pray so you can say anything, anyway you want to express your feelings. Yes, God knows what you are thinking so be honest. As you speak release these concerns to God. Mentally see yourself giving them to Him. The next step is to believe He will answer. Faith is God is an important element in getting answers. Oh, and God answers as He sees what's best for us , He is very creative but He doesn't always give you the answer the way you thought He would. Anticipate a response by faith that your concerns will be resolved so you can experience sunshine in your soul when the answer comes. 

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