Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas is all about memories

Christmas is a time to remember. We remember the past, the things we did as a family growing up. We establish tradition so we can relive time spend together. As time goes on things change, we might compare one year with another and that can be good or bad but it will be emotional. Memories are full of emotions.  Some people don't want to experience emotions, even shut them out, but that takes away the good emotions while hiding the painful one. That also takes away Christmas.

The greatest memory at Christmas is remembering the birth of Christ. It is important to remember his birth cause it tells us about God's love for us. We need to alway remember he loves us,and through the birth of Jesus Christ we know how deep is God's love.

So what to do with all these emotions? Rejoice in the good ones, bath in the love of family and friends.  Soak in the pleasure of all those who you share time with at Christmas. This is important for these memories with whip you out of the down times that will come and remind you that you are loved.

For the sad feels, dismiss the time of disappointment and missed opportunities, while learning the lessons of life from these experiences.
For those people who are no longer with you, remember the good times you share, love doesn't die.

God's love is everlasting, he lets go of the bad and rejoices in the good and we should also.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Christmas Spirit,you got to find it

The spirit of Christmas speaks of joy, goodwill, generosity, love. It was the calling card of the season that made December a different month. A kinder , gentler, loving month. But now we're too busy.  Many are too busy doing for others that they don't even know why they are doing. Do we really just like to keep busy. Some live with stress so much they don't know how to let go and relax. Christmas events happen the end of November , a whole month away. By the time December 25th comes people are all tired out and just want to get the holiday over.

That's not the Christmas spirit. There is beauty in celebrating Christmas in a relax manner . Allowing yourself to breath in the wonder aroma of cinnamon, and spices, pine and balsam.
Allowing yourself to see the lights and marvel at how they decorate the darkness all around.
Allowing yourself to reflect upon the love of the first Christmas and receive it into your heart if not in your home. The peace you feel in the Christmas spirit is sustaining, up lifting and hopeful.

The reason for the season is Jesus being born. Without this event there would be no Christmas. It is a time to reflect on God's love and seek to know that love in your  heart.
Perhaps you don't go to church, well go and find the Christmas spirit. 

Sunday, September 6, 2015

             Stop, look, See

         We are about to enter the beautiful season of autumn. It is the season of color and fresh air  and you don't have to look far to see the hand of God's creation in fullness. It is also the season of busyness when school or work can go fully speed ahead and we never enjoy the beauty that is all  around us.  When the leaves are at there colorfulness we can see them, but to stop and pause our busy schedule is to really see them and grasp there splendor. To pick up a fallen leave and to look at it's coloring is to see a masterpiece, but to really see is to study it structure ,color combination and blends. It is to see as the artist sees -right brain looking. This leave tells us God is at work creating, beautifying his world.

          God works within, his coloring comes from the tree, the sun, and the chemistry that goes into to turning green to golden. God works within us too. His wish is for all his creation to be beautiful.  As we grow and allow God to be part of our inner growth we come to fullness of life. We accomplish many things, see children become adults, see changes in the world and enjoy the pleasure of God's creation.  As he looks upon us he see our colorfulness and rejoices or he see our muted hues of a life apart from him and is sad. God made us so he could be in our lives we do not profit by casting him out. The greatest seeing we can do in life is to see God as our creator and to allow him to fashion us with his love into people of goodness, rightness and truth. That might sound like a strange statement but if we stop our busyness and look at life we discover it is true God blesses us, seeing God working in our life is a wonderous thing.When we look at life through God's len we behold a peace and a feeling of joy that makes us feel beautiful.  Now is to time to stop , look, and see .

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Working with God

So many times in life we want God to help us but we don't know how to reach God. Prayers don't get answered and we feel helpless. In scripture Jesus gave us the example of how to reach God. We are the followers he is the leader. We do what he says and things work out find.  One verse in scripture that can call this home is Jesus' words in John 15:5 " I am the vine;you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I IN HIM he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." 

Reaching God is accepting Jesus as saving you from your sins and being to follow the life style Jesus showed us to live in the Gospels. Reaching God is submitting to a Christian way of life that includes prayer, scripture reading and worship at a church. It is doing the lessons learned in scripture. God is over us all but he can't be manipulated;yet too many times we think He can be called upon at a time to meet our needs and ignored when their is no need.  That's not God's way and not doing it God way doesn't bring success.

Being in Him(Jesus) is not a bad thing, if you are willing to change from my will to thy will in your life. That sounds a lot harder than it really is to accomplish. With willingness to work with God, your life has assurance of a divine presence and the joy of divine love.

Monday, June 22, 2015

The gentle sounds of nature

The chirping of birds in the quiet morning air, the swish of the breeze before the rain comes, the chatter of the  cricket through the silent night; summer sounds, gentle sounds to lull you into a moment of quiet and release you stress. Many would say they are annoyance , something that causes stress when you want silence. Yet too much silence can be haunting not welcoming silence can be depressing or isolating and not helpful to deal with stress. These sounds of nature can help you to destress because they are repetitive and  cause you to lose your  concentration on what is stressing you. These sounds free your mind from thinking too much and let  you breath deeply and feel refreshed  as you  ask God why.  God gave us all of nature to enjoy and learn from the ways of nature but it is He alone that can help us find answers to the stress. The way to destress is to refocus on something that has nothing to do with our burden. The sounds of nature help us to do this. Free yourself from the stress by listening to the birds, the breeze or the insects that fill the air with life.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Listen for the whisper

Listen for the whisper deep within your heart. 

It is the sound of hope. 

Listen for the whisper calling you apart.

It is the sound of peace.

When you hear it do not block it out for it is the spirit calling you to be still.

 It is the spirit answering you prayer.

 Listen to its message and you will find peace.

If you will not listen how do you expect God to bring you to a place of rest?

If you will not come away from all the noise of life how will you enter into this rest?

It is you who must act when you hear the whisper deep within your heart.

Monday, April 20, 2015


There is only one way we every know God and that is His way. Ps 46 talks about God being our refuge and strength. It talks about believing this statement and looking at all God has done as proof of this belief. It talks about looking within for the peace God give us to face the challenges and to realize it is His strength(spiritual) that moves us forward. Verse 10 begins be still and know I am God. That's important. We move too much, don't give God a chance.Or we dream up what we want the answer to be and tell God what to do. We don't see the big picture, don't understand all sides of the issue and yet we tell God what to do!  How wrong, He of course understand why we do this and ignores it but we get disappointed and feel God doesn't hear us or love us or want to answer. God is the Creator , He knows the best. We are to be humble before him, to wait for Him to act. Then if we don't like the result look objectively at the situation and pray to understand. That's respect for God and that draws us close to God. When ever you are restless and questioning God actions be still let God reveal the why.